Friday, October 13, 2006

One of the most powerful kingdom in history, Mrauk Oo - Myanmar

Mrauk U

Ancient city of MraukOo, known as Myohaung meaning the ancient city is situated 50 miles (80 km) inland from the mouth of Kaladan River, on a rocky plateau between Kaladan and Le-mro rivers. The remnants of a 30 km long fortification can still be seen. Mrauk U was once, one of the most powerful kingdom in history. The Rakhine King "Min Saw Mon" founded Mrauk U in 1433. Mrauk U was a leading trade city during its time, and abundant networks of canals allowed small and large vessels to go by. It traded with Middle East, Asia, Holland, Protugal and Spain. The Mrauk U dynasty lasted for about 352 years.

Rakhine people and Rakhine cultures are rich in contents and high in spirit making up the major pillar of Myanmar union. Since A.D. 1430, ancient city Mrauk-Oo had been capital of a coastal nation, strategic in merchant routes between India and Eastern ports of Java-Sumatera and beyond to China, until late 18th Century. Surviving monuments, stupas and pagodas at Mrauk-Oo Archeological Zone reflects the past glories of 354 years under the lineage of 49 kings. Preceding Mrauk-Oo era are Din-ra-wady, Wei-tha-li and Le-mro eras, from where cultural values are carried along.

Mrauk-Oo is one of the splendid archeological sites South East Asia has retained. Monumental edifices could not fail to bring forth the images of past, rise and fall of a glorious City.

Major Attractions

Royal Palace
- The ruins of the Royal Palace which was built in 1430 can still be seen. The palace had massive wooden columns which are burnt down.

Shittaung Pagoda - Meaning 80,000 pagoda in Myanmar. Built in 1535 by King Minbin. It has a maze like floor plan inside.

Koetaung Pagoda - Built an ordination hall with a single pagoda rising at the centre. Underneath is a huge cave where 90,000 Buddha images are consecrated in the maze of path walls. Outer walls are nine tiers structures surrounded by 108 pagodas. It is 250 feet by 230 feet monument and 30 feet high. Adornments are proportionately distributed; the beauty is superb.

Andaw Pagoda - About 10 meters from Shittaung Pagoda. Built by King Minhlaraza, during 1521.

Yadanabon Pagoda - The largest pagoda in this region. It was donated by King Min Khamong and Queen Shin Htwe during A.D 1612.

Dukkanthein - Constructed by King Minphalaung in 1571. About 100 meters north-west of Shittaung.

Pitaka Taik - About 300 meters north of Dukkanthein. Built by King Minphalaung in 1591 as a repository for the Tripitaka or Buddhist Canon.

Sakkyamanaung Pagoda - It is situated about a km north east of the old palace walls. Built by King Thirithudhamma Raza during 1629.

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