Saturday, September 30, 2006

Asia Hotel Reviews

We have a wide selection of hotel reviews for you to enjoy and benefit from written by seasoned travel journalists and business travellers.

While we try to maintain all hotel reviews as up to date as possible the hotel industry is extremely fast paced and keeping up can be difficult. We are though constantly travelling around Asia, staying in and inspecting hotels to bring you some of the most in depth and informative hotel reviews anywhere.

When doing a hotel review we look for what you the traveller wants to know and not just what the hotel wants you to know!!

If you would like to make a secure hotel reservation online please select from our extensive list of Hotels in Asia where you can read about the hotels, select rates and makes reservations etc. See also our guide on how to best choose your Hotels and what to look out for, whether City Hotels or Pool Villas.

Please select the hotel reviews that interest you from the countries below:

Hotels in Bangkok, Thailand

Hotels in Phuket, Thailand

Hotels in Koh Samui, Thailand

Hotels in Hua Hin, Thailand

Hotels in Manila, Philippines

Hotels in Cebu, Philippines

Hotels in Jakarta, Indonesia

Hotels in Bali, Indonesia

Hotels in Hong Kong Island

Hotels in Hong Kong Mainland

Hotels in Hanoi, Vietnam

Hotels in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh), Vietnam

Hotels in Singapore

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Asia Hotels Discounts and Reservations

For more detail click here.

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Friday, September 29, 2006

Indonesia - Food festival "enak-enak " held in S Jakarta

The management of Pasaraya Grande mall in South Jakarta is holding a food festival called "Enak-Enak" (delicious food ) on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of Indonesian independence, from August 15 through 31, 2006.

Hadi Lubke, general manager of Pasaraya Grande, said here Friday that he invited cafe owners to serve special food.

At least 25 different foods from many parts of the country, like Rawon "Setan" Embong Malang (meat soup ) of Surabaya, nasi campur (mixed rice ) Warung Made Semiyak of Bali, soto kuning (meat soup ) Pak Yusuf of Bogor, are offered to visitors.

"Those who like the special foods can enjoy them here and no need to go to their places of origin," he added.

He also said that the "Enak-Enak" food festival was aimed at promoting the specific delicacies. Damira, a visitor, welcomed the festival.

According to her, the festival was expected to compete foreign food festivals.

"Such a festival must be held regularly so that the local people will get to love their own food," she added.

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Honeymoon trip to Phuket - Thailand

After 4.5 of hard travels as backpackers. sleeping in Tajik tents, crashing into Tibetan restaurants, arriving into random places in Laos or just staying in $2 dumps in diffrent places, we had a completely different 2 weeks to finish our trip

We stoped being backpackers and became honeymooners. To start the metamorphosis we got hair cuts (actually only Hagit got one - Yaron likes his hair long as it is), bought new swimming suits and beachwear. then we made flight reservations to take us between all the islands - no more long buses for us!

Finlay, we made reservations to good hotels. only once in the past 2 weeks we slept in a place that had "guest-house" in it's name. the rest were all "resorts". the most expensive place we stayed with backpacking cost $15 (in Beijing). the cheapest we stayed in the past 2 weeks was $25. we also stayed 4 nights in 2 different holiday-inn retorts for FREE courtesy of Yaron's club points from all the nights he spent in Dallas from work.

Our diet also changed. for drinking margarita in the pool-side bar 4.5 months KFC was considered the most mouth watering gourmet dinner possible. but the variety and quality of the food we had (not to mention the hotel buffets) help us get some of 7kg of weight-lost back.

But the most important change is that in the 16 days we spent on the islands we did absolutely NOTHING. compare that to 16 days we spent in Cambodia and Myanmar together to understand how much, and how little, we could do in that period of time. (come to think of it we did manage to do one thing - after days of examining we are now able to accurately predict the tide with high accuracy)

The truth is we needed the rest. now after 2 weeks of rest we have our batteries full ...
at least for the next few days.

We could use another month of rest but surprisingly, if we had another month, we would go on backpacking... the world is just to big for us to rest. Just one more conundrum left to solve before we retrun - how do we bring home 70kg of stuff when the flight weight allowance is 20kg per person?

Fore more detail click here.

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The Great Wall of China

If there is one image of China that was in my mind before I came to this country, it was that of the great wall… pictures of which adorn the covers of ‘100 things you must see before you die’ (and other such books), not to mention the numerous documentaries and ‘Wish You Were Here’ TV programs we’ve all seen growing up. This wall has a lot to live up to!

The wall has scattered remains running all the way from Liaoning Province (east of Beijing) to Jiayuguan in the Gobi Desert. The main touristed part is called Badaling, this is where all the postcard perfect pictures are taken (they must be taken before it opens), this part of the wall is fully restored and the view of it meandering over the hilltops is said to be awe inspiring. This is also where you go if you want the Walt Disney style wall experience, guard rails, the Colonel watching over you (I’ve heard there’s a KFC here) and hordes and hordes (and hordes) of other people trying to appreciate it with you! I wish we could’ve gone just to take the pictures we see on TV but you’ve got to be realistic!

The Great Wall!!!!
Another popular option is the walk that we did… We’d pre-booked our transport to the section of the wall we wanted to see at the hostel we were staying at and we were told to be down in reception at 7:30 in the morning. 110km northeast of Beijing there is a part of the wall that runs from Jinshanling all the way to Simatai and it’s possible to walk this route. Parts of the wall are only partially restored and some parts have collapsed and much is in a state of ruin, so although it’s only 10km, we were told it’d take about four hours to make it! The minibus took about four hours to fight its way out of Beijing traffic, dropped us off at 11.30 and told us it would pick us up at the other end at 3:30. We’d better get a move on then!

We walked up the road to where the walk starts, following the map on the back of our ticket. Upon first sight, the wall is as impressive as you imagine it to be… It’s large exterior looming over you as you approach the stairway leading into it. We climbed the stairway onto the wall proper and couldn’t believe we were actually there, standing on the Great Wall of China. We were at the bottom of a valley so when we looked over the side we couldn’t really see a lot in either direction, we turned to the first set of steps that lead up to the top (aw no, not more steps) and started walking. When we got to the top the sight that greeted us was simply mind-blowing. Snaking off into the distance of the rugged hilly terrain was the wall we’d be walking over, it was simply breathtaking, everything I imagined and wanted it to be. We couldn’t wait to get going, the sun was shining, we could actually see blue sky (which with Beijing’s smog problem is rare) and with huge smiles we set off.

Dotted along the wall are watch towers, which if they were complete with roof provided some shelter from the harsh midday sun. They were also home to locals selling water so were the perfect place to grab a break as and when we needed, and although we set off in a group with everyone else on the bus, as The Great Wall!!!!

everyone walks at their own pace it wasn’t long before Faye and I were ambling along on our own. A lot of the time we were on our own for entire stretches of the walk without being able to see another soul in either direction, with this and no traffic noise and glorious sunshine this was turning out to be an amazing experience. The walk wasn’t that strenuous (especially after tackling Tai Shan) just very sweaty because of the heat so we could enjoy every sight that confronted us. We enjoyed every moment.

Towards the end of the hike (just before entering the Simatai section) there was a river that cuts through the wall, so we had to take a chain bridge crossing the river by the side. At the end of the bridge they had the cheek to ask for 5 Yuan for the privilege. The toll collector had a uniformed guard with him so there was no getting out of it, it just left a bitter taste in our mouths as our only other option was to wade/swim through the river, so it’s not as if we really had a choice. It’s not enough that we had to pay twice because we were seeing ‘two’ parts of the wall. We grudgingly paid and made our way up the final steep ascent. When we were near the top I looked over at the bridge and saw a crowd gathering at the toll collector, obviously another group of disgruntled walkers. I quickly learned that nothing is free in this country, if the Chinese can charge for it, they will! I saw many of the crowd try and make a run for it only to be chased down by the guard and ordered back, at least they tried I suppose.

Faye and I strolled to the car park where the bus was waiting, we completed the walk in 4 hours and five minutes, we grabbed something to eat and waited for the rest of our group to reach the end before heading back into Beijing. This day will be hard to beat as THE highlight of this trip. It was truly amazing and met all my expectations.

Fore more detail click here.

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India - Experience of one guy who had been to India

Visit to Rishikesh was a little bit longer than we initially expected due to the availability of train tickets, but we managed to keep busy with little effort. We decided to take a hike to the nearbye waterfall up the hill behind our hotel and through a local village. I’m not sure what the name of the river is that we followed (or more of a stream really) (or the village either) but we were never positive we actually found either. Instructions from the hotel guys were that it was 20 minutes up the path, however after going twice that distance it was still nowhere to be seen. We found a spider infested and relatively inaccessable access to the river (once we were certain that we had travelled far enough away from the village so as not to be poisoned by all their unpleasant things discharged into the water) and we took a dip. The water was great and within moments we were splashing around like schoolboys.

The next day found us on a 1 hour ride southeast to Hardiwar where we were to board our train for Varanasi. In probably one of the strangest coincidences of the

Jord gets all the credit for this one. On our little river trip he found it, freaked out about it a...
trip (or some kind of prank that Jord still hasn’t admitted to) Jord randomly bumped into Sesha in the lobby outside our restaurant (and Sesha’s hotel). We had planned to eat a meal here before getting on our train and Sesha had planned a trip up to the Delhi area sometime ago to visit many of the various holy sites. For those of you who don’t know who Sesha is, I worked with him at Selkirk/Thomson for almost 2 years before me leaving on the trip and him returning to India to raise his daughters. In a country with well over a billion people and thousand(s) of kilometers away from where he lives in Chinai (sp?) it was a staggering coincidence indeed. However surprising, we enjoyed a meal and catching up before having to dart for our 18 hour train ride onward.

The train to Varanasi was much like most of the other trains we’ve rode here: long, boring and overloaded with people. While we never cease to attract attention, this might have been some kind of record as through some means that’s still unkown to me, 17 Indian youths crammed into our compartment to get a look at
Produce Man
Even though the produce clerks at home never acknowledge my produce shots, I still take them constan...
us, shake our hands, listen to my iPod and murmer in disbelief at the concept that I, Jason from Canada, am unmarried (all the while causing a general stir).

We finally arrived in Varanasi hours late and tired as hell. The train station, like any train station in India is in a state of complete and utter madness (even that is an understatement). It’s slowly but surely been sinking in lately just what it means to exist in a country with so many people and little or no services to speak of whatsoever. People vomiting, urinating and shitting in open areas of the train stations is perfectly normal. Walls plastered in bodily excriments, urban monkey gangs urinating on families that sleep on mats in the train station all while rats wander around and silently rob nearbye crumbs is just one of the many disturbing scenes to keep one occupied while waiting. Outside the train station? Hundreds of people sleeping on the pavement amongst litter. The bicycle rickshaws and motor rickshaws all attempt to dodge them in hope of scoring a foreigner client. The smells are out of this world and the only thing I can safely say exists in

The wood grunts prepare the kg's and kg's of wood in order to consume the ever-appearing stream of c...
a higher potency/quantity than people in India is litter. I also can’t seem to get over so many faces, everywhere. Day after day I see so many people that I get the strangest feelings that I’ve seen them before. I guess with so many people there is only so little diversity. That guy I passed in the Rickshaw, wasn’t he the guy that unclogged our toilet in Jaipur? No wait, he was the guy who tried to sell me trinkets behind the Internet cafe in Delhi, but that’s impossible! Is it a relative? I don’t understand anymore.

We actually found AND arrived at a hotel after our customary argument and battle with the rickshaw drivers. Then after the customary shinanegans played by the hotel manager where he refused to give us prices, then gave us the foreigner price, then lowered it when we pretended to leave, then tried to raise it again with more lies, then lowered it again when he saw the rage fill my eyes, then finally got the last word when he cut our power in the middle of the night much to the shagrin of my iPod.

I failed in my experiment to emulate
The Rickshaw

We're so close to fitting into a bike rickshaw comfortably, so close. Although slightly uncomfortab...
Mom’s rice pudding with special requests to the chef and had to make up for it with a dish of ice cream which I then mixed with the rice pudding and converted it into a soupy mess that left me somewhat satisfied. The next night however I had a taste of good beef for the first time since Egypt which was pure bliss.

Yesterday we visited the ghat lined shores of the Ganges River and took a day long walk from one end to the other. The river brought on a real mix of emotions to be honest, excitement: balancing on the mud/cow shit laden walls so as not to slip into the river, disgust: bodies of both man and beast floating by you casually and staring at you from the underworld, joy: the moment you finally manage to get the touting boat captains to leave you alone -last but not least: simple strangeness (or lack of emotion) that I can’t quite describe as I watched dozens of human bodies burn for over an hour. The buildup to Varanasi has been fairly big since Jord and I have both been quite excited about the prospect of seeing dead and

In our hotel where we got the massages I stumbled upon what I now refer to as the "Western Cabinet" ...
burnt humans and other sick things in a holy river (all bodies are burned unless they are infants, too poor, killed by snake bites or are impregnated). I have to admit, it didn’t dissapoint. There are ghats all over India where they cremate corpses, but here in Varanasi it is extra special and where depending on where you rank in life you are positioned accordingly near the ghat (and river) then set on fire by your closest male relative. Some higher ranking people have special platforms, most however are simply set alight in close piles where goats and dogs feed on them while not closely watched. The whole process was quite enlightening and to be honest, the only thing that disturbed me wasn’t the ash all over my shirt or the cracking of the half burnt skulls with bamboo (it releases the spirit) but simply the compassion I had for the people who bathed in the river only metres away from floating carass’. Sure hundreds of people bath everyday down the river, but during the whole ceremony they first wash the corpse and then typically the husband or son bathes himself in the same spot. While I don’t profess to either know or understand the possible health risks, it left me quite curious as to what they might be.

We certainly retreated from the entire show more educated, and found ourselves navigating a series of maze-like alleyways back to the rickshaw drivers where we returned to the train station to buy tickets to Nepal. Tonight we’re off for what we hope to be about half a month in Nepal. While we killed time today before the train we managed another massage, which was very pleasant although again like everything in India -different. Jord went in first and an hour later they called for me. As I entered the room I knew immediately something was wrong as Jord was gone and his underwear was lying suspiciously on the floor. Odd I thought. I stripped down into my boxer-briefs and casually went to the table before the kind gentlemen gestured I was to remove those as well. So I did, and while I laid there naked as a baby getting oiled by a kind and surprisingly gentle Indian man I couldn’t help but to think that he, Ramish, was now in a very, very (but small) elite club of people who have massaged me naked with oil. I felt quite honoured welcoming him into this union and quickly snapped out of my daydream to see Jord had returned from the steambath. Well, at least it all happened to him as well.

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Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Great Ancient Architecture City of the world - Bagan

Bagan dates back almost to the beginning of the Christian Era. It lies on the bend of the Ayeyarwaddy River. Bagan can be marked to have started with King Anawrahta. He ascended the throne of Bagan in 1044. At that time, the kingdom was under the Mahayana religion. After Shin Arahan's arrival to Bagan, it converted to Theravada Buddhism. It was said to be that each and every household was able to donate an enshrined Pagoda, because of their faith in Buddhism believe and also because of their wealth.

The great Shwezigon was one of King Anawrahta's donation during his time.

Getting Around
Horse carts are popular ways travelling around Bagan. Visitors can also hire bicycles at some hotels and guest houses to roam around. The charges are taken per hour service. Ferry boats can also be hired to flow in the Ayeyarwaddy. The ferry stand is near the Bu Pagoda. The views from the Ayeyarwaddy is also an interesting way to explore Bagan.

Bus and Express
There are Daily Expresses from Yangon and other major cities.

One can hire a car from a car rental agency or from a travel agent. Different types of cars, coach seaters are available.



There are daily flights from Air Bagan, Yangon Airways, Air Mandalay and Myanmar Airways to Nyaung U Airport, Bagan. The flight schedules may change from time to time depending on the weather. But this is the fastest way to explore Bagan.

Virtaul Tour to Bagan, Yangon, Mandalay

Special Announcement!!!

Grab this golden chance and enjoy in Golden Myanmar.

We have really specail cheaptest package tour to Bagan, Mrauk Oo, Yangon, Mandalay, Inle, Pyin Oo Lwin, etc. for your convenience. Check them out here!

If you are intersted to visit only Bagan. We have
Yangon – Bagan – Yangon (4 Days/3 Nights) package tour.

If you are interested eco tour, we also arrange the bus ticket with US 99 , really cheapest price to travel around in Myanmar. Please contact this email (grace_tt06@yahoo.com) or click here to contact us.

If you have an idea to travel other places, we can arrange with cheapest price.
contact us

Thank you for your time. Hope to see you soon!!!!!!!!

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Former capital of Japan - Kyoto

There has a lot of interesting places to go around in Kyoto. There are most interesting places you shoud go.

Sanjusangen-do Temple -- One of two of the most famous and beautiful temples in Kansai, this is not to be missed during a visit to Kyoto!

Kinkaku-ji Temple -- The famous golden temple of Kyoto, this small temple is one of the most famous monuments in Kyoto.

Kiyomizu-dera Temple -- Probably the most famous temple in the city, the temple grounds are dotted with shrines, sakura, and tourists.

Fushimi-Inari Taisha Shrine -- Off the beaten path, this mountain shrine is one of Kyoto's best-kept secrets!

Kyoto Life -- An assortment of miscellaneous shots taken in Kyoto: monks, geisha, temples, and scenery.

Nijo-jo Castle -- This terrific castle is set right in central Kyoto.

For more detail click here.

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Some interesting things about Japan

Did You Know...
Some interesting things about Japan
which you might not have known!

  • A can of Coca-Cola costs more than one dollar US from a vending machine.
  • Japanese people, in general, can't drive very well.
  • Restaurants in Japan (including many fast-food places) give you moist towels or wipes before or with your meal.
  • At many businesses in Japan, they offer alcohol to the employees after six pm.
  • It is usually mandatory to give a landlord a gift of money of $1,000-$2000 when moving into his apartment building.
  • On Respect for the Aged Day, tobacco companies will hand out free cigarettes to the elderly outside of train stations and department stores.
  • The Japanese love corn, sesame seeds, and mayonnaise on their pizza.
  • There are no 24 hour ATMs in Japan (closed on holidays and many only open during normal bank hours).
  • Many Japanese teachers think that Japanese parents are lazy.
  • The green traffic light is called "blue".
  • Slurp your soup.
  • Newspaper editors make their headlines so as to not attract attention.
  • KFC is the place to be on Christmas Day.
  • Japan has about 1,500 earthquakes each year.
  • In the Japanese language, it is considered rude to say the word "no" directly.
  • It is nearly impossible to become a naturalized citizen of Japan.
  • You can smoke just about anywhere.
  • Japanese people take a hot bath every night, some do not have showers installed in their bathrooms.
  • There is no insulation in Japanese homes' walls.
  • Japan has roughly 200 volcanoes.
  • It is considered rude to show signs of affection toward a loved one in public.
  • When you go to a funeral or a wedding you must take a gift of money.
  • Three words: "heated toilet seats".
  • In Japan, flower arranging is an art.
  • The new generation of Japanese people are not as short as Westerners think.
  • You can buy batteries, beer, wine, condoms, cigarettes, comic books, hot dogs, light bulbs, and used women's underwear from vending machines.
  • Many Japanese people eat rice with or for their breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Never stick your chopsticks upright in your rice. This is an old Japanese custom and is what is done when food is offered to the dead. When it is not an offering it is considered to be a very ill omen.
  • In Japan you will find cars by the names of "It's", "Let's", "Sunny", "Perky", "Gloria", "Move", "Toppo", "Lepo" and "Dump".
  • McDonalds employees will run outside to give you your drive-thru order.
  • The Japanese visit shrines and give eachother money for New Year's.
  • It is impolite to tear the wrapping paper off of a gift.
  • Japanese junior high school students do not need to pass any of their classes to graduate. Education only through junior high school is compulsory.
  • Young women will hand you toilet paper outside of train stations.
  • There is almost no vandalism in Japan.
  • Gas station attendants will bow as the car pulls out of the station.
  • It is socially acceptable to pick your nose in public and urinate at the side of the road, but you cannot blow your nose in public.
  • Approximately 85% of Japanese people have never tasted turkey.
  • Japan is about the size of California and has half the population of the entire United States.
  • Snowmen in Japan are made of two large snowballs instead of three.
  • It will always take one to two hours for a pizza to be delivered.
  • There is at least one vending machine on every corner.
  • All you ever wanted to know about the world's largest phallus festival can be found here.
  • It is not uncommon to pay $2 for a single apple.
  • The sun is red in Japan and the country itself is referred to by Japanese people as "the land of the rising sun"
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    Japan - the world's largest phallus festival

    Here it is, folks. The moment you've all been waiting for!
    Just to hoist the wooden phallus and it's palanquin up
    onto the shoulders of these men was a chore and a half!

    All the men who carry the large wooden penis are 42 years old. An age which is thought to be unlucky and, like the women aged 36, requires spiritual labors such as carrying a gigantic phallus through the streets of one's town.
    It takes 60 men working in alternating shifts to deliver this offering to Tagata Shrine. The 8-foot long phallus by itself weighs in at 280 kg (620 pounds), but inside it's wooden palanquin.. together they weigh an astounding 400 kg (885 pounds)!

    The appearance of the phallus changes a bit from year to year. Sometimes it is very smooth and some years it is carved with many veins. It has also grown larger over the years.
    The presentation of the phallus has changed, also. For example, many years ago the wooden phallus was attached to a straw effigy of a warrior. Can you imagine holding a festival like this in Europe or North America?!?

    I could tell it wasn't easy. All the men who carried the wooden phallus seemed to be completely drunk! Even rotating out the tired ones with well-rested men frequently they almost lost it a couple times!

    Once the phallus and mikoshi arrived at the shrine, the phallus was spun
    furiously and it seemed to dance at the door to the shrine. Some final
    prayers were said and then it was time to start the Mochi Nage...

    Fore more detail click here.

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    Japan - Sumo Culture

    "Yagura-daiko" refers to a drum that is played on a yagura (tower) to announce the performance of Sumo. The yagura is 16m high and constructed of cryptomeria logs. It is said to have been built high so that the surface of the Sumida river would reflect the sound of the drum so that it could be heard far and wide.

    There are two occasions for "yagura-daiko"; "yose-daiko" is played early in the morning to gather people, and "hane-daiko" is played at the end of the performance to request a return visit of the audience. "Hane-daiko" is not necessary on the last day or on a one-day performance.

    In old days there were also "ichiban-daiko" and "niban-daiko". The former was played to announce the entrance of rikishi who were still below the rank of sekitori and the start of a bout. The latter was played to notify the entrance of sekitori. These performances were held on the dohyo as entertainment in stead of on the yagura.

    For more detail click here.

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    Interesting Japan

    Japan for many years has had the reputation of being prohibitively expensive. While in some cases this can be true, anyone on a budget can also enjoy most of what this beautiful country has to offer. This is not to say Japan is not expensive, it can be, but with a little homework you can visit the Land of the Rising Sun on your own terms and allowance.

    Japan is located between the North Pacific and the Sea of Japan, and is nearly the same size as Germany and Switzerland combined. Japan is made up of of four major islands, surrounded by more than 4,000 smaller islands. The four major islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu.

    Japan's population is over 126 million, with most Japanese residing in densely populated urban areas. The Tokyo Metropolitan Area including the city, some of its suburbs and the surrounding area is believed to house a staggering 12 million.

    Language can still be a problem but over the years more and more Japanese speak better and better English, but we still recommend you to carry a handy phrase book and learn a few essential words, especially if you plan to travel to some of the more remote areas of Japan.

    In this section of ASIA Travel Tips.com we aim to provide you with some useful information on Japan. What to see, where to stay, when to travel, what to do and of course some special rates available from hotels in the major parts of Japan.

    For more detail information click here.

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    Wednesday, September 27, 2006

    Phuket Gay Festival

    Taking place in Patong at the beginning of February, the festival itself runs over four days with parties, a volleyball tournament and a street parade that is the highlight of the festival.

    Patong Beach is the most famous beach on Phuket Island and has a wide variety of day time activities and a amazing night life.

    Stay in Patong if you want to be near to exiting gay night life. In the daytime you can enjoy any of Phuket's 17 sandy beaches or walk down to the gay section of Patong Beach and enjoy the afternoon beach volleyball game.

    If you stay outside Patong and want enjoy the night life in Patong you will probably spend a lot of money on tuk-tuk (local taxi) drivers taking you back and forth. Patong is the only beach with a Gay scene on Phuket Island.

    If you want solitude there are several secluded islands and beaches only minutes away from Gay TourPatong, so we are sure that you always will find something or somebody new to discover.

    The Saturday Gay day tour from Connect is a "must" even if you not stay in Patong. Follow the link to explore photos from previous tours.

    This site contains hundreds of pages on over 1000 photos from Gay Patong and GAY Phuket. Take your time to surf this site and we hope that we will see you here soon in real life.

    Welcome to surf this site and if you have any questions or comments please email to us and we will answer within 24 hours.

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    Thailand military vows new PM this weekend

    BANGKOK - Thailand's new ruling generals said Wednesday they would name a new prime minister this weekend as they pressed ahead with plans to revamp the nation a week after seizing power in a bloodless coup.

    A popular retired general and a former head of the World Trade Organization emerged as the front-runners to replace Thaksin Shinawatra, the billionaire tycoon toppled by the military and now living in exile in London.

    Coup leader General Sonthi Boonyaratglin would meet Thailand's revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who approved of Thaksin's ouster, to present the draft of a new national constitution on Saturday, a spokesman said.

    Find out more detail...

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    Asia - The World’s Largest Bell

    King Dhammazedi's bell may or may not be lost forever, but even if it is, the world's largest accessible and ringing bell is still not in Russia. Where is the world's largest bell???????

    That title is owned by Burma's Mingun Bell, which rings near the city of Sagaing, at the Mingun pagoda, some 11 km (7 miles) upriver from Mandalay, in the center of Burma, on the opposite bank of the Ayeyarwaddy and accessible only by river. A 45-minute boat trip to Mingun is very pleasant with plenty of life on the river to see.

    This bell was cast by King Bodawpaya on 28 April 1808 and is about 13 feet tall. It weighs 55555 peik-thar, or 90.55 metric tons (about 200 US tons). (Peik-thar are a traditional unit of weight equalling 3.6 lbs (1.63 kg)— that's what the five characters that look like 9's on the side of the bell in the picture to the right mean.)

    The pagoda itself was the main jewel in the crown of an ambitious building campaign sponsored by King Bodawpaya (ruled 1782-1819). The largest brick temple in Asia, its outline broods over the western bank of the Irrawaddy River from the hamlet of Mingun. Its base is 256 feet square and it rises some 150 feet. It is now viewed as little more than a curiosity, enhanced by dramatic fissures in its wall created by an earthquake in 1839-- visitors can even climb to the top by a modern stairway mounted on the most ruined corner fo the monument, though no access to the summit existed originally.

    The Mingun is Asia's, and indeed, the world's, largest bell. Cast by Bodawpaya to complemlent the huge pagoda, it stands in its original location some 50 yeards to the northeast of the pagoda. The pagoda is still considered unfinished, since it is without a tower, but historians believe King Bodawpaya may have intended to sacrifice height for girth from the very beginning, and thus it may have been considered finished by the king himself. Pagodas were built to venerate sacred objects interred beneath them-- in fact, the word "pagoda" derives from *dagaba* (relic chamber), a term adopted into English after it was encountered in Buddhist Sri Lanka.

    Visit to this website for more detail of the world's largest bell

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    Travel Asia - Special Trip VIII

    Yangon-Heho-Mandalay-PyinOo Lwin-Mandalay- Bagan-Yangon(10 Days/9 Nights)

    Day 1 - Arrival To Yangon
    Day 2 - Yangon - Inle
    Day 3 - Travel around in Inle and departure to Mandalay
    Day 4 - Travel around in Mandalay
    Day 5 - Yangon - Mandalay
    Day 6 - Mandalay - PyinOoLwin
    Day 7 - Travel around in PyinOoLwin and departure to Bagan
    Day 8 - Travel around in Bagan
    Day 9 - Drive to Mt.Popa and return to Yangon
    Day 10 - Travel around in Yangon, transfer to Int' airport for departure

    Yangon-Heho-Mandalay-PyinOo Lwin-Mandalay- Bagan-Yangon(10 Days/9 Nights)

    Day 1
    Arrival To Yangon

    • Arrive at Yangon Int’l Airport
    • Meet and transfer to hotel
    • Bo-ta-taung Pagoda and river front
    • Su-le Pagoda
    • One of wonder of the World, Shwe-da-gon Pagoda
    • Welcome dinner at a local standard restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 2
    Yangon - Inle

    • Breakfast at the hotel
    • Transfer to Airport and departure to Hehos by flight
    • Visit Pin-da-ya Cave and surrounding
    • Proceed to Inle Lake via Nyaung Shwe by coach
    • Dinner at the restaurant on the way
    • Overnight at hotel in Nyaung Shwe

    Day 3
    Travel around in Inle

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Visit to Inle Lake
    • Phaung Daw Oo
    • Discover the Intha people’s floating gardens, fishing technique, beautiful landscape village
    • Monastery near Inle
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Transfet to Heho Airport
    • Departure to Mandalay by flight
    • Transfer to the hotel
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 4
    Travel around in Mandalay

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Sightseeing around Mandalay
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Visit to Kuthodaw Pagoda (the World Lagest Book)
    • Golden Monestery (Shwe Kyaung)
    • Kyauktawgyi Pagoda
    • Enjoying scenery from Mandalay Hill
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 5
    Yangon – Mandalay

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Start Mandalay city sightseeing
    • Mahamuni Buddha Image
    • Wood and stone carving
    • Visit to Amarapura
    • Maha Gandayone Monastery
    • U Pein Teak Wood Bridge
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Visit to Sa-gaing passing Ava Bridge
    • Visit Kaung-mu-daw Pagoda
    • Silversmith
    • Proceed to Sa-gaing hill
    • Visit famous pagodas, enjoying sunset from the top of the hill.
    • Back to Mandalay
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 6
    Mandalay – PyinOoLwin

    • Breakfast at local restaurant
    • Visit to Mingun by boat
    • Mingun Bell (the world largest ringing bell)
    • Unfinished Pahtodawgyi Temple
    • Mya-thein-tan Zedi
    • Return to Mandalay
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Going toPyin Oo Lwin
    • Kandaw gyi National Park
    • City sightseeing at Pyin Oo Lwin
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at hotel

    Day 7
    Travel around in PyinOoLwin

    • Breakfast at the hotel
    • Visit to Peik Chin Myaung Cave
    • B.E waterfall
    • Maha Anghtoo Kantha Buddha Image
    • Lunch at the local restaurant
    • Departure to Bagan by flight
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 8
    Travel around in Bagan

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Visit to Nyaung-U Market
    • Gubyauk Gyi (Wet-Kyi-In)
    • Shwezigon Pagoda
    • Kyansittha cave
    • Tharabor Gate
    • Anawyahta Temple
    • Law-Ka-Nanda
    • Bu-Phaya (river side)
    • Oakkyaung
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Visit to Bagan Museum
    • Shopping at lacquer ware home industry.
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 9
    Bagan - Mt.Popa - Yangon

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Drive to Mt.Popa
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Return to Bagan
    • Return to Yangon by flight in the evening

    Day 10
    Travel around in Yangon

    • Breakfast at hotel.
    • Visit to Botathaung Pagoda
    • A royal floating barge(Ka-ra-weik) and Kantawgyi lake
    • Visit to Bogyoke (Scotts) Market with hundreds of stores and many gems shops
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Leisure until your transfer to the airport
    • Transfer to Yangon International Airport for departure in afternoon
    • 1 pax - 1935 $
    • 2 pax - 1520 $ (each person)
    • 3 pax - 1385 $ (each person)
    • 4 pax - 1315 $ (each person)
    • 5 pax - 1273 $ (each person)
    • 6 pax - 1245 $ (each person)
    • 7 pax - 1225 $ (each person)

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    Monday, September 25, 2006

    Travel Asia - Special Trip VII

    Yangon – Sittwe - Mrauk Oo - Sittwe – Ngapali - Yangon (8 Days/7 Nights)
    Day 1 - Arrival To Yangon
    Day 2 - Yangon - Sittwe
    Day 3 - Sittwe – Mrauk Oo
    Day 4 - Travel around in Mrauk Oo
    Day 5 - Travel around in Mrauk Oo and go to Nga Pa Li by flight
    Day 6 - Relax whole day in Ngapali Beach
    Day 7 - Relax half day and return to Yangon by flight
    Day 8 - Travel around in Yangon, transfer to Int' airport for departure
    Yangon – Sittwe - Mrauk Oo - Sittwe – Ngapali - Yangon (8 Days/7 Nights)

    Day 1
    Arrival To Yangon

    • Arrive at Yangon Int’l Airport
    • Pick you up by our tour guide
    • Meet and transfer to hotel
    • Visit to one of the wonder of the world, Myanmar Land mark (Shwe-da-gon Pagoda)
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 2
    Yangon - Sittwe

    • Breakfast at the hotel
    • Visit to the pagoda that is located in city center (Su-le Pagoda)
    • Departure to Sittwe by flight
    • Transfer to Hotel
    • Lunch at the local restaurant.
    • Visit to cultural museum of Rakhine.
    • Enjoying the sunset view from Sittwe View Point.
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 3
    Sittwe – Mrauk Oo

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Go to Mrauk Oo by boat in the early morning .
    • Lunch at the local restaurant.
    • Visit to Bandoohla Monastry
    • Shithaung Pagodas
    • Five Victory
    • Andaw Pagoda
    • Koethaung Pagoda
    • Htukkanthein Temple
    • Shakama vallage
    • Sightseeing Mrauk Oo.
    • Enjoying sunset from Harry Mountain
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel in Mrauk Oo

    Day 4
    Travel around in Mrauk Oo

    • Drive 5 miles rugged road by car to Sin Oh Village
    • Continue to go Kritchauung, 5 miles up-stream boat trip It’s a mountainous terrain where rivers and streams of Rakhine land begin.
    • Scenic are superb. Sin gay Village, another 5 miles up-stream, is one of scattered hamlets. Tatoo culture of these Southern Chin tribes is called Pa-Yea, facial tattoo, and they differ in patterns with tribes.
    • Cruising on a meandering river in steep gorges is all outdoor funs at delightful environ. It is a mild adventure destination, authorities have recently allowed
    • Return trip down-stream to Mrauk Oo
    • Enjoying the sunset view whilst sailing down by the river
    • Overnight at hotel in Mrauk Oo

    Day 5
    Travel around in Mrauk Oo

    • Visiting to museum
    • Mrauk Oo bazaar
    • Take the boat trip of Mrauk Oo to Sittwe
    • Go to Nga-pa-li by flight
    • Overnight at the hotel in Nga-pa-li

    Day 6
    Relax in NgaPaLi

    • Relax whole day in Ngapali Beach
    • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner at hotel
    • Overnight at hotel

    Day 7
    NgaPaLi - Yangon
    • Breakfast and Lunch at hotel
    • Return to Yangon by flight.
    • Dinner on the Rivering Cruise with culture show. Can be watching the sunset from the cruise
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 8
    Travel around in Yangon

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Visit to Botathaung Pagoda
    • A royal floating barge(Ka-ra-weik) and Kantawgyi lake
    • Visit to Bogyoke (Scotts) Market with hundreds of stores and many gems shops
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Leisure until your transfer to the airport
    • Transfer to Yangon International Airport for departure in afternoon
    • 1 pax - 1522 $
    • 2 pax - 1187 $ (each person)
    • 3 pax - 1075 $ (each person)
    • 4 pax - 1020 $ (each person)
    • 5 pax - 986 $ (each person)
    • 6 pax - 964 $ (each person)
    • 7 pax - 948 $ (each person)

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    Travel Asia - Special Trip VI

    Yangon – Sittwe - Mrauk Oo - Sittwe – Yangon (6 Days/ 5 Nights)

    Day 1 - Arrival To Yangon
    Day 2 - Yangon - Sittwe
    Day 3 - Sittwe – Mrauk Oo
    Day 4 - Travel around in Mrauk Oo
    Day 5 - Travel around in Mrauk Oo
    Day 6 - Travel around in Yangon, transfer to Int' airport for departure
    Yangon – Sittwe - Mrauk Oo - Sittwe – Yangon (6 Days/ 5 Nights)

    Day 1
    Arrival To Yangon

    • Arrive at Yangon Int’l Airport
    • Pick you up by our tour guide
    • Meet and transfer to hotel
    • Visit to one of the wonder of the world, Myanmar Land mark (Shwe-da-gon Pagoda)
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 2
    Yangon - Sittwe

    • Breakfast at the hotel
    • Visit to the pagoda that is located in city center (Su-le Pagoda)
    • Departure to Sittwe by flight
    • Transfer to Hotel
    • Lunch at the local restaurant.
    • Visit to cultural museum of Rakhine.
    • Enjoying the sunset view from Sittwe View Point.
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 3
    Sittwe – Mrauk Oo

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Go to Mrauk Oo by boat in the early morning .
    • Lunch at the local restaurant.
    • Visit to Bandoohla Monastry
    • Shithaung Pagodas
    • Five Victory
    • Andaw Pagoda
    • Koethaung Pagoda
    • Htukkanthein Temple
    • Shakama vallage
    • Sightseeing Mrauk Oo.
    • Enjoying sunset from Harry Mountain
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel in Mrauk Oo

    Day 4
    Go around in Mrauk Oo

    • Drive 5 miles rugged road by car to Sin Oh Village
    • Continue to go Kritchauung, 5 miles up-stream boat trip It’s a mountainous terrain where rivers and streams of Rakhine land begin.
    • Scenic are superb. Sin gay Village, another 5 miles up-stream, is one of scattered hamlets. Tatoo culture of these Southern Chin tribes is called Pa-Yea, facial tattoo, and they differ in patterns with tribes.
    • Cruising on a meandering river in steep gorges is all outdoor funs at delightful environ. It is a mild adventure destination, authorities have recently allowed
    • Return trip down-stream to Mrauk Oo
    • Enjoying the sunset view whilst sailing down by the river
    • Overnight at hotel in Mrauk Oo

    Day 5
    Go around in Mrauk Oo

    • Visiting to museum
    • Mrauk Oo bazaar
    • Take the boat trip of Mrauk Oo to Sittwe
    • Go back to Yangon by flight
    • Overnight at the hotel in Yangon

    Day 6
    Go around in Yangon

    • Breakfast at hotel.
    • Visit to Botathaung Pagoda
    • A royal floating barge(Ka-ra-weik) and Kantawgyi lake
    • Visit to Bogyoke (Scotts) Market with hundreds of stores and many gems shops
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Leisure until your transfer to the airport
    • Transfer to Yangon International Airport for departure in afternoon
    • 1 pax - 1150 $
    • 2 pax - 898 $ (each person)
    • 3 pax - 820 $ (each person)
    • 4 pax - 774 $ (each person)
    • 5 pax - 748 $ (each person)
    • 6 pax - 732 $ (each person)
    • 7 pax - 720 $ (each person)

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    Sunday, September 24, 2006

    Travel Asia - Special Trip V

    Yangon - Mandalay - Pyin Oo Lwin - Mandalay - Yangon (6 Days/ 5 Nights)
    Day 1 - Arrival, transfer to Hotel and sightseeing in Yangon
    Day 2 - Fly for Mandalay and visit to Pyin Oo Lwin
    Day 3 - Go around in Pyin Oo Lwin and return to Mandalay
    Day 4 - Go around in Mandalay
    Day 5 - Go around in Mandalay and return to Yangon
    Day 6 - Go around in Yangon and tranfer to Yangon Int' airport for departure

    Yangon - Mandalay - Pyin Oo Lwin - Mandalay - Yangon (6 Days/ 5 Nights)

    Day 1
    Arrival To Yangon

    • Arrive at Yangon Int’l Airport
    • Pick you up by our tour guide
    • Meet and transfer to hotel
    • Visit to one of the wonder of the world, Myanmar Land mark (Shwe-da-gon Pagoda)
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 2
    Mandalay - Pyin Oo Lwin

    • Leave to Mandalay about 7:00 am by flight
    • Arrive to Mandalay about 8:30 am
    • Go to Pyin Oo Lwin by car
    • Lunch at local restaurant on the way
    • Visit to Kandawgyi National Park in Pyin Oo Lwin
    • Sightseeing in Pyin Oo Lwin
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 3
    Mandalay - Pyin Oo Lwin

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Visit to Peik Chin Myaung Cave
    • B.E waterfall
    • Maha Anghtoo Kantha Buddha Image
    • Lunch at the local restaurant
    • Return to Mandalay
    • Visit to Mandalay Kuthodaw Pagoda (the world largest Book)
    • Golden Monastery (Shwe Kyaung),
    • Kyauktawgyi Pagoda
    • Enjoying Sunset from Mandalay Hill
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 4
    Go around in Mandalay

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Start Mandalay city sightseeing
    • Mahamuni Buddha Image
    • Wood and stone carving
    • Visit to Amarapura
    • Maha Gandayone Monastery
    • U Pein Teak Wood Bridge
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Visit to Sagaing passing Ava Bridge
    • Visit Kaungmudaw Pagoda
    • Silversmith
    • Proceed to Sagaing hill
    • Visit famous pagodas, enjoying sunset from the top of the hill
    • Back to Mandalay
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 5
    Go around in Mandalay

    • Breakfast at local restaurant
    • Visit to Mingun by boat
    • Mingun Bell (the world largest ringing bell)
    • Unfinished Pahtodawgyi Temple
    • Myatheintan Zedi
    • Return to Mandalay
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Visit to Zaycho Market
    • Return to Yangon
    • Overnight at hotel

    Day 6
    Go around in Yangon

    • Breakfast at hotel.
    • Visit to Botathaung Pagoda
    • A royal floating barge(Ka-ra-weik) and Kantawgyi lake
    • Visit to Bogyoke (Scotts) Market with hundreds of stores and many gems shops
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Leisure until your transfer to the airport
    • Transfer to Yangon International Airport for departure in afternoon
    • 1 pax - 1119 $
    • 2 pax - 915 $ (each person)
    • 3 pax - 855 $ (each person)
    • 4 pax - 815 $ (each person)
    • 5 pax - 787 $ (each person)
    • 6 pax - 770 $ (each person)
    • 7 pax - 760 $ (each person)

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    Saturday, September 23, 2006

    Travel Asia - Special Trip IV

    Yangon - Mandalay - Yangon(5 Days/ 4 Nights)
    Day 1 - Arrival, transfer to Hotel and sightseeing in Yangon
    Day 2 - Fly for Mandalay and go around in there
    Day 3 - Go around in Mandalay
    Day 4 - Go around in Mandalay and departure to Yangon by flight
    Day 5 - Go around in Yangon and tranfer to Yangon Int' airport for departure

    Yangon - Mandalay - Yangon(5 Days/ 4 Nights)
    Day 1
    Day 1 Arrival To Yangon
    • Arrive at Yangon Int’l Airport
    • Pick you up by our tour guide
    • Meet and transfer to hotel
    • Visit to the pagoda that is located in city center (Su-le Pagoda)
    • Visit to one of the wonder of the world, Myanmar Land mark (Shwe-da-gon Pagoda)
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 2
    Yangon - Mandalay
    • Leave to Mandalay about 7:00 am by flight
    • Arrive to Mandalay about 8:30 am
    • Transfer to Hotel
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Visit to Kuthodaw Pagoda (the World Lagest Book)
    • Golden Monestery (Shwe Kyaung)
    • Kyauktawgyi Pagoda
    • Enjoying scenery from Mandalay Hill
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 3
    Yangon – Mandalay
    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Start Mandalay city sightseeing
    • Wood and stone carving
    • Visit to Amarapura
    • Maha Gandayone Monastery
    • U Pein Teak Wood Bridge
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Visit to Sagaing passing Ava Bridge
    • Visit Kaungmudaw Pagoda
    • Silversmith
    • Proceed to Sagaing hill
    • Visit famous pagodas, enjoying sunset from the top of the hill
    • Back to Mandalay
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 4
    Go around in Mandalay
    • Breakfast at local restaurant
    • Visit to Mingun by boat
    • Mingun Bell (the world largest ringing bell)
    • Unfinished Pahtodawgyi Temple
    • Myatheintan Zedi
    • Return to Mandalay
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Visit to Zaycho Market
    • Return to Yangon by flight
    • Overnight at hotel

    Day 5
    Go around in Yangon
    • Breakfast at hotel.
    • Visit to Botathaung Pagoda
    • A royal floating barge(Ka-ra-weik) and Kantawgyi lake
    • Visit to Bogyoke (Scotts) Market with hundreds of stores and many gems shops
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Leisure until your transfer to the airport
    • Transfer to Yangon International Airport for departure in afternoon
    • 1 pax - 959 $
    • 2 pax - 765 $ (each person)
    • 3 pax - 705 $ (each person)
    • 4 pax - 670 $ (each person)
    • 5 pax - 655 $ (each person)
    • 6 pax - 645 $ (each person)
    • 7 pax - 635 $ (each person)

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    Travel Asia - Special Trip III

    Yangon - Inle - Yangon(4Days/3Nights)
    Day 1 - Arrival, transfer to Hotel and sightseeing in Yangon
    Day 2 - Departure to Heho by flight and visit to Inle
    Day 3 - Go around in Inle
    and return to Yangon by flight
    Day 4 - Go around in Yangon and tranfer to Yangon Int' airport for departure

    Yangon - Inle - Yangon(4Days/3Nights)

    Day 1
    Arrival to Yangon

    • Arrive at Yangon Int’l Airport
    • Pick you up by our tour guide
    • Meet and transfer to hotel
    • Visit to the pagoda that is located in city center (Su-le Pagoda)
    • Visit to one of the wonder of the world, Myanmar Land mark (Shwe-da-gon Pagoda)
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 2
    Yangon - Inle

    • Breakfast at the hotel
    • Transfer to Airport and departure to Heho
    • Visit Pin-da-ya Cave and surrounding
    • Proceed to Inle Lake via Nyaung Shwe by coach
    • Dinner at the restaurant on the way
    • Overnight at hotel in Nyaung Shwe

    Day 3
    Go around in Inle

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Visit to Inle Lake
    • Phaung Daw Oo
    • Discover the Intha people’s floating gardens, fishing technique, beautiful landscape village
    • Monastery near Inle
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Transfet to Heho Airport
    • Return to Yagon by flight
    • Transfer to the hotel
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 4
    Go around in Yangon

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Visit to Botathaung Pagoda
    • A royal floating barge(Ka-ra-weik) and Kantawgyi lake
    • Visit to Bogyoke (Scotts) Market with hundreds of stores and many gems shops
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Leisure until your transfer to the airport
    • Transfer to Yangon International Airport for departure in afternoon
    • 1 pax - 757 $
    • 2 pax - 645 $ (each person)
    • 3 pax - 605 $ (each person)
    • 4 pax - 580 $ (each person)
    • 5 pax - 565 $ (each person)
    • 6 pax - 555 $ (each person)
    • 7 pax - 545 $ (each person)

    Read More......

    Travel Asia - Special Trip II

    Yangon – Bagan – Yangon (4 Days/3 Nights)

    Day 1 - Arrival, transfer to Hotel and sightseeing in Yangon
    Day 2 - Departure to Bagan by flight and go around in Bagan
    Day 3 - Go around in Bagan, visit to Mt. Popa and return to Yangon by flight
    Day 4 - Go around in Yangon and tranfer to Yangon Int' airport for departure

    Day 1
    Arrival to Yangon

    • Arrive at Yangon Int’l Airport
    • Meet and transfer to hotel
    • Bo-ta-taung Pagoda and river front
    • Su-le Pagoda
    • One of wonder of the World, Shwe-da-gon Pagoda
    • Welcome dinner at a local standard restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 2
    Yangon - Bagan

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Go to Bagan by flight
    • Visit to Nyaung-U Market
    • Gu-byauk Gyi (Wet-Kyi-In)
    • Shwe-zi-gon Pagoda
    • Kyan-sit-tha cave
    • Tha-ra-bor Gate
    • A-naw-ya-hta Temple
    • Law-Ka-Nanda
    • Bu-Phaya (river side)
    • Oak-kyaung
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Visit to Bagan Museum
    • Shopping at lacquer ware home industry.
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 3
    Bagan - Mt.Popa - Yangon

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Drive to Mt.Popa
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Return to Bagan
    • Return to Yangon by flight in the evening

    Day 4
    Go around in Yangon

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Visit to Botathaung Pagoda
    • A royal floating barge(Ka-ra-weik) and Kantawgyi lake
    • Visit to Bogyoke (Scotts) Market with hundreds of stores and many gems shops
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Leisure until your transfer to the airport
    • Transfer to Yangon International Airport for departure in afternoon

    • 1 pax - 757 $
    • 2 pax - 645 $ (each person)
    • 3 pax - 605 $ (each person)
    • 4 pax - 580 $ (each person)
    • 5 pax - 565 $ (each person)
    • 6 pax - 555 $ (each person)
    • 7 pax - 545 $ (each person)

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    Thursday, September 21, 2006

    Travel Asia - Special Trip I

    Yangon - Mandalay - Bagan – Yangon(7 Days/6 Nights)
    Day 1 - Arrival, transfer to Hotel and sightseeing in Yangon
    Day 2 - Fly for Mandalay and go around in there
    Day 3 - Travel around in Mandalay
    Day 4 -
    Travel around in Mandalay and departure to Bagan by flight
    Day 5 -
    Travel around in Bagan
    Day 6 -
    Travel around in Bagan, Mt.Popa and return to Yangon
    Day 7 -
    Travel around in Yangon and tranfer to Yangon Int' airport for departure
    Virtual Tour

    Yangon - Mandalay - Bagan – Yangon(7 Days/6 Nights)

    Day 1
    Arrival To Yangon
    • Arrive at Yangon Int’l Airport
    • Meet and transfer to hotel
    • Bo-ta-taung Pagoda and river front
    • Su-le Pagoda
    • One of wonder of the World, Shwe-da-gon Pagoda
    • Welcome dinner at a local standard restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 2
    Yangon - Mandalay
    • Departure to Mandalay about 7:00 am by flight
    • Arrive to Mandalay about 8:30 am
    • Transfer to Hotel
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Visit to Kuthodaw Pagoda (the World Lagest Book)
    • Golden Monestery (Shwe Kyaung)
    • Kyauktawgyi Pagoda
    • Enjoying scenery from Mandalay Hill
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 3
    Travel around in Mandalay
    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Start Mandalay city sightseeing
    • Wood and stone carving
    • Visit to Amarapura
    • Maha Gandayone Monastery
    • U Pein Teak Wood Bridge
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Visit to Sagaing passing Ava Bridge
    • Visit Kaungmudaw Pagoda
    • Silversmith
    • Proceed to Sagaing hill
    • Visit famous pagodas, enjoying sunset from the top of the hill.
    • Back to Mandalay
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 4
    Mandalay - Bagan
    • Breakfast at local restaurant
    • Visit to Mingun by boat
    • Mingun Bell (the world largest ringing bell)
    • Unfinished Pahtodawgyi Temple
    • Myatheintan Zedi
    • Return to Mandalay
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Visit to Zaycho Market
    • Departure to Bagan by flight
    • Overnight at hotel

    Day 5
    Travel around in Bagan
    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Visit to Nyaung-U Market
    • Gubyauk Gyi (Wet-Kyi-In)
    • Shwezigon Pagoda
    • Kyansittha cave
    • Tharabor Gate
    • Anawyahta Temple
    • Law-Ka-Nanda
    • Bu-Phaya (river side)
    • Oakkyaung
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Visit to Bagan Museum
    • Shopping at lacquer ware home industry
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 6
    Bagan - Mt.Popa - Yangon
    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Drive to Mt.Popa
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Return to Bagan
    • Return to Yangon by flight in the evening

    Day 7
    Travel around in Yangon
    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Visit to Botathaung Pagoda
    • A royal floating barge(Ka-ra-weik) and Kantawgyi lake
    • Visit to Bogyoke (Scotts) Market with hundreds of stores and many gems shops
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Leisure until your transfer to the airport
    • Transfer to Yangon International Airport for departure in afternoon
    • 1 pax - 1345 $
    • 2 pax - 1070 $ (each person)
    • 3 pax - 945$ (each person)
    • 4 pax - 935 $ (each person)
    • 5 pax - 915 $ (each person)
    • 6 pax - 880 $ (each person)
    • 7 pax - 880 $ (each person)

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    Saturday, September 16, 2006

    Yangon - Bago -Thanlyin (Syriam) - Yangon Trip

    Yangon - Bago -Thanlyin (Syriam) - Yangon(4Days/3Nights)

    Day 1 - Arrival To Yangon
    Day 2 - Travel around in Thanlyin
    Day 3 - Travel around in Bago
    Day 4 - Travel around in Yangon, transfer to Int' airport for departure

    Yangon - Bago -Thanlyin (Syriam) - Yangon(4Days/3Nights)
    Day 1
    Arrival To Yangon

    • Arrive at Yangon Int’l Airport
    • Pick you up by our tour guide
    • Meet and transfer to hotel
    • Visit to the pagoda that is located in city center (Su-le Pagoda)
    • Visit to one of the wonder of the world, Myanmar Land mark (Shwe-da-gon Pagoda)
    • Dinner at local restaurant
    • Overnight at the hotel

    Day 2
    Yangon - Thanlyin

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Drive to Thanlyin (port city of ancient Mon Dynasty )
    • The pagoda encircled by Hmaw Wun River flowing past the town of Kyauk-tann Pagoda @ Kyaik-Hmaw Wun Pagoda
    • Kyaik-Khauk Pagoda
    • Drive back to Yangon
    • Lunch at local restaurant
    • Visit to a huge reclining Buddha image(Chauk-htat-gyi)
    • Thi-ri-min-ga-lar-ka-bar-aye Pagoda (World Peace Pagoda)
    • Ma-ha-pa-sa-na Guha Cave where the sixth Buddhist synod took place
    • Dinner at rivering cruise with Myanmar Culture Show in the Yangon River
    • Overnight at hotel

    Day 3
    Yangon - Bago

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Drive to Bago, the ancient capital of Mon Kingdom in 15th Century
    • Visit to Shwe-maw-htaw which is over a thousand years old
    • Hnin-thar-gone Pagoda
    • Bago Market
    • Lunch at restaurant
    • Shwe-thar-lyaung reclining Buddha Image
    • Maha Zedi
    • Kalyani Sima (Ordination Hall)
    • 55 metres long and the excavation site of Kan-baw-za-thar-di Palace of 16th century
    • Kyaik-pun Pagoda(four giant seated Buddha Images)
    • Htauk-kyant War Memorial Cemetery of the Second World War
    • Drive back to Yangon
    • Dinner at restaurant
    • Overnight at hotel

    Day 4
    Travel around in Yangon

    • Breakfast at hotel
    • Visit to Botathaung Pagoda
    • A royal floating barge(Ka-ra-weik) and Kantawgyi lake
    • Visit to Bogyoke (Scotts) Market with hundreds of stores and many gems shops
    • Lunch at restaurant
    • Leisure until your transfer to the airport
    • Transfer to Yangon International Airport for departure in afternoon
    • 1 pax - 675 $
    • 2 pax - 505 $ (each person)
    • 3 pax - 449 $ (each person)
    • 4 pax - 420 $ (each person)
    • 5 pax - 403 $ (each person)
    • 6 pax - 392 $ (each person)
    • 7 pax - 389 $ (each person)

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