Thursday, September 28, 2006

Japan - Sumo Culture

"Yagura-daiko" refers to a drum that is played on a yagura (tower) to announce the performance of Sumo. The yagura is 16m high and constructed of cryptomeria logs. It is said to have been built high so that the surface of the Sumida river would reflect the sound of the drum so that it could be heard far and wide.

There are two occasions for "yagura-daiko"; "yose-daiko" is played early in the morning to gather people, and "hane-daiko" is played at the end of the performance to request a return visit of the audience. "Hane-daiko" is not necessary on the last day or on a one-day performance.

In old days there were also "ichiban-daiko" and "niban-daiko". The former was played to announce the entrance of rikishi who were still below the rank of sekitori and the start of a bout. The latter was played to notify the entrance of sekitori. These performances were held on the dohyo as entertainment in stead of on the yagura.

For more detail click here.

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