Monday, October 02, 2006

Old-fashioned town in Japan

Takayama is a remarkable city for having maintained it's old fashioned appeal without submitting to the wave of modernizing tourism which is so prevalent in most of the major siteseeing cities in Japan.

Large portions of the city still have their traditional architecture. Shops, private residences, and a number of temples dot the northern section of the city.

The district of the city called San-machi Suji is the center of the old town of Takyama. The atmosphere of these streets is very relaxing and scattered among the old-styled buildings are museums, sake breweries and folk craft stores.

There are also antique shops, open walled markets and small restaraunts. I dined on "Hida Soba", a local specialty (buckwheat noodles with broth and vegetables). While most of the sites are not in this part of the city, this is where the Real Takayama is.

One of the more interesting ways to tour the city is in a rickshaw. Holding up to two people and costing anywhere from $30 to $100 you can get a ride around the old streets. Want just a picture with one? That's $10!
Outside the old town the city is quite picturesque. This is a shot of the Masukatabashi Bridge overlooking the Miyagawa River. The River runs through the center of the city.

There are also a lot of craft sellers with touristy knick-knacks and Japanese-style omiyage. Prices are good, people are friendly and the environment is great.

On the outskirts of Takayama is the Hida Minzoku-mura, or "Hida folk Village". It is a collection of over 30 well preserved traditional Japanese dwellings, farmhouses and other buildings. The buildings were brought to Takayama from all over the region and preserved in their original state complete with artifacts.
Most of the exteriors reminded me of what I'd seen in parts of Ireland or in "Little House on the Prairie"! The roofs were thatched or wood-shingled and still had many of the old tools lying around. Here, at the side of this house, a stockpiling of wood for the cold winter months.

The lucky gods were expertly carved from 1,000 year old trees and each of the immense statues had a small altar in front of it.

For more detail click here.

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