Sunday, October 15, 2006

Best Place to Visit in Asia - Golden Land - Myanmar

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Yangon, the capital city is the gateway to Myanmar. Having many shady parks and beautiful lakes, Yangon has earned the name of " the Garden City of the East".

When King Alaungpaya captured the riverside village of Dagon from the Mons in 1755, he renamed it Yangon - " the end of war". In 1851, the British annexation of Yangon resulted in getting the town refounded and became the capital. The new city was remodelled and constructed by Lieutenant Fraser, a British Officer of the Engineering Corps who also designed and constructed Singapore.

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The City lies in the heartland of Myanmar 620 kilometres north of Yangon. It is the second largest city that stands as a pride of Myanmar where characteristics closest to genuine Myanmar can be found.

Mandalay was founded in 1857 as the capital by King Mindon and remained the capital city of the Konboung, Myanmar's last dynasty. The Mandalay Palace boasts finely built palace walls and a beautiful moat surrounding this fortress. Moreover, Mandalay is not only an important city for Myanmar culture, but also the principle centre for Buddhism studies in Myanmar. Mandalay's monasteries and pagodas are of great religious significance to all Myanmars.

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Known as "the city of four million pagodas", Bagan is one of the richest archaeological sites in Asia. This enchanting city is situated on the eastern bank of the Ayeyarwaddy River about 193 km south west of Mandalay. Bagan Dynasty lasted from (849-1287) A.D. King Anawrahta (1044-1077) A.D unified the whole country and founded the first Myanmar Empire. The ruins of the ancient capital cover an area of 42 sq. km. containing more than 2,000 edifices. The majority of these well-preserved and pagodas offer a rich architectural heritage from the 11th to 13th centuries era. Visit to Myanmar would not be complete without seeing the 11th century capital and cradle of Myanmar civilization.

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Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda well known as the Golden Rock located 160 km from the east of Yangon, in Kyaikhto Township, Mon State. It is one of the famous pagodas in Myanmar and is about 3,600 feet above sea level. The hill on which the Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda stands is also called the Kyaikhtiyo Hill. On the Kyaikhtiyo Hill, there is a huge and steep rock. A big boulder the circumference of which is about 50 feet, rests on top --- to be exact --- on the edge of the rock. At a glance, it seems that the boulder will fall at a slight push.

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Also known as Dannyawady, is the town in which generations of Rakhine kings built their palace. It is situated some fifty miles from Sittway on the banks of Shwenatpyin Tributary of the Kispanadi or Kaladan River. Mrauk-U was built by King Min Saw Mun in 1430 A.D. Mrauk-U is a town where there are many ancient cultural works and the pride of Rakhine State. Unlike the temples of Bagan, the temples in Mrauk-U are constructed with stones rather than the traditional bricks in a truly unique style.

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Inle lake, a picturesque lake, 900 meters above sea level and nestled among hazy, blue mountains, is one of the main tourist attractions in Myanmar. The lake dwellers live in houses built on stilts, grow vegetables on floating gardens and sell them in floating markets. The fishermen have a unique way of rowing their boats by their legs

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Ngapali Beach, the beauty of the beach is unspoiled and visitors can enjoy a peaceful and relaxing holiday. It is free of noisy beachside bars, large crowds and hawkers. The blue sea, white sand and the sun combine to present a scene of picturesque beauty. The sea is cobalt blue, without any dangerous marine animals, clean and clear with a gentle breeze. Ngapali is 35 minutes by air from Yangon. Overland, it is a 14-hour drive along narrow winding roads over the Rakhine Mountain Range.

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This is a newly opened beach about 45 km from Pathein. This beach in its pristine state is 15 km long. Ngwe Saung can be reached by car from Yangon, a journey taking nearly seven hours over bumpy roads to Pathein and then across the Pathein River by Z craft and then continue by car. Newly constructed bungalows provide modern facilities for visitors. Ngwe Saung is the latest emerging beach destination in Myanmar and is ideal for travelers seeking quietude, ocean, sun and sand.

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